HEART Funds are a vital and unique program for Kalispell and Evergreen students.

The day-to-day operating costs of the HEART Program are provided by Kalispell and Evergreen school districts.

HEART Funds come directly from the community and are given directly back to the community.

They do not cover operating costs.

They go directly to those in need.

  • Regular and consistent attendance is required for this type of assistance.

  • HEART Funds never dispense cash.

  • HEART Funds are only used for verified housing insecure students and families. This includes students and families living in a camper, car, in shelter care, hotels, doubled up with friends or neighbors.

Sometimes paying someone’s phone or internet bill for one month gives them the support they need to get to other social services. Other times rental assistance for one month helps a family stay in their low income housing without being evicted. Heart funds are sometimes used for a hotel room for a family when they are on a wait list for a local shelter. Other times warm boots help a child who has a long walk to a bus stop attend school regularly. These funds ensure children have access to a public education and are able to get to school with dignity and respect.

HEART Funds cover:

  • School Supplies

  • Hair cut vouchers

  • Gun safety locks

  • Winter boots

  • Socks and underwear

  • Air mattresses for families living in hotel rooms, campsites, and campers

  • Sunscreen, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and water bottles for teens experiencing homelessness

  • Housing transition support for unaccompanied youth and students aging out of foster.

  • Gas cards of $20/month to help cover the expense of personal vehicle transportation when bussing cannot be arranged.

  • Lice Treatment Kits. When students have lice, they cannot attend school until they have been treated.

  • Hygiene supplies including shampoo, soap, menstrual products, shaving kits, combs and deodorant

  • In collaboration with school nurses and consent with parents over the counter medications, ointments, and creams not covered by Medicaid

  • In collaboration with Juvenile Probation Office and School Resource Officers minor fees associated with non-violent and non-substance related offenses that are frequent for teenagers experiencing homelessness

    This monetary donations aid in preventing unessesary suffering for school aged children and support them haveing access to a public education. To make a donation you can send a check to:

    Kalispell HEART Fund

    514 E Washington Street

    Kalispell, MT 59901


Teen and Young Adult Drop In Center